What neuroscience tells us about high performance

The key piece of information relates to perception.
Our experience of the world ‘minute by minute’ is created by our brain, from the data inputs that our 5 senses provide.
We think we see reality as it is but this is the greatest possible misunderstanding.
If you haven’t seen his TV programmes then check out David Eagleman on You Tube. He explains this particularly well.


So, we create our own highly individual reality. Amongst other things, this explains why each of us sees a given situation slightly or extremely differently, from those around us.

So in terms of performance

We always have the potential to perform well [in an area where we have expertise and experience] but our State of Mind often prevents us from doing our best and obtaining good results. By State of Mind, I mean the things we are thinking – the way we are seeing a situation. So for example, if we perceive a task as difficult then we might indeed find it so and prejudice the outcome before we begin.

High performance comes from an unclouded mind whether we are on the trading floor or in a championship golf match.

So even in the situations where we think we are competing with others our biggest competitor is the thinking we have around what we are doing.

This is very evident to us when we watch our sporting heroes but we commonly fail to see that it applies to us in our daily life too.

Success lies in subtraction

So high performance is achieved by subtracting [removing] the negative impact of complicated thinking [and feeling]. Part of our coaching approach is to show people how to do this for themselves.